Mashin V.A., Mashina M.N.
The Procedure of the Professional Selection on Operative Job Titles. (On material of the selection of the personnel for NPP.) - "Voprosy Psychologii", 2005, N 3. (In Russian)
The procedure of the professional selection of the candidates on operative job titles for NPP are presented. The procedure comprises the diagnostics of 4 base elements: personality traits, high psychic functions (attention, perception, memory, thinking), psychophysiological processes, command interaction. On each of element the integral estimation is formed, which is used for taking the trained decision on considered candidate. For each element the purposes, the diagnostic tools, the feature of levels of integral estimation, the criterions of the trained decision are brought. The general algorithm of the taking the trained decisions on results of the professional selection is described.
Mashin V.A. The Concept of safety culture. The Human factor. //Electric plants, 1997, N 4.
The central positions of safety culture NPP are considered from the viewpoint of human factor. The thesis that achievement of high safety culture on home NPP must are guided by national traditions and particularities of development of home atomic energy is substantiated. The need of development and realization of programs of qualitative realignment of system and methods of control NPP, professional development of personnel NPP, analysis and eliminating the root reasons of accidents and incidents in accordance with human factor is formulated.
In the first place the human facility, personnel, style and methods of personnel control, social-psychological climate in work groups must be in the highlight of safety culture. In process of shaping of safety culture must be involved whole personnel, including high administrative level.
Mashin V.A. Support computer systems of operators NPP. (Psychological problems.) //Electric plants, 1995, N 7.
With the general positions of safety of exploitation and management NPP the psychological problems, which appear at development and application the support computer systems of operators on NPP and possible negative consequences when disregarding these problems are considered. The active forms of operator activity and ways of maintenance of functions a decision making for operators in conditions of automaticed management NPP are received the central attention. The importance in development stages of of support systems to define the areas of operator competency and automation competency and provide in projects the conditions for compensation of redistribution the part of problems from operator to automaticed systems is noted.
Mashin V.A. About psychological providing exploitation and management NPP. //Electric plants, 1994, N 3.
In proposed article with positions of psychological analysis the reserves of increasing of safety NPP, depended on "human factor", are considered.
Based on the results of studies, which are conducted in psychophysiological laboratory of Atom Energy Training Center, Novovoronezh, Russia, the professional development model of operative personnel and most important for safety NPP psychological change, which are accompanied the main stages of professional development of operator, are described. Two opposite directions in professional development: 'descending' and 'ascending', are substantiated.
In canvas of analysis the levels of operator behaviour activities: individually ("passive") and personal ('active') are introduced. Only personal ('active') forms of activity in conditions of NPP can provide the constant self-development of operators and, therefore, high level of safety, reliability and efficiency of its actions are proved.
The system of conditions for maintenance and development of personal activity forms of operators on the length of the whole professional way, directed on provision safe, reliable and efficient exploitation and management NPP is formulated.
In conclusion article the proposals about development of psychological provision of exploitation and management NPP are presented. About significant reserves, which are hidden in decision of this problem, is inferred.
Mashin V.A. About two personal regulation levels of person behaviour.
//Questions of psychology, 1994, N 3.
The short theoretical substantiation of new approach to filling by concrete psychological contents of concept about two personal regulation levels of person behaviour is presented in article. The main difference between two personal regulation levels is considered. In first level an activity of subject is caused 'external' breach of balance - subject is reactive. In second level subject itself destroys formeded balance, directing its activity on new relations, on new forms of interaction.
The analysis two levels in psychic regulation of person behaviour has allowed to connect them with two central for psychology concepts - individual and personality.
The obtained conclusions were underlain the theoretical and experimental studies, which are conducted in psychophysiological laboratory of Atom Energy Training Center, Novovoronezh, Russia.
©2001-2004 Vladimir Mashin