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on heart rate variability.
20.01.2004 [
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The Retrospective review: articles and links to publisheded articles, in which are discussed the actual problems HRV. (English-Russian)
The Extracts from book by T.F.Mironova and V.A.Mironov "Clinical analysis of wave structure of sinus heart rate. (Introduction To rhythmocardiograph and atlas rhythmocardiogram)" (In Russian)
The Information resources on ECG: Standard HRV, Electronic books, Publications, Articles, Dissertations, Thesises, Conferences. (In Russian)
Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology. Heart Rate Variability. Standards of Measurements, Physiological Interpretation, and Clinical Use. (In Russian)
V.M.Michaylov Heart rate variability (Experience of practical application, Ivanovo, 2000, 200 p.) and others articles. (In Russian)
Heart Rate Variability Project. Department of Exercise Science University of Puget Sound.
Peng C.K., Hausdorff J.M., Goldberger A.L. Fractal mechanisms in neural control: Human heartbeat and gait dynamics in health and disease. In: Walleczek J, ed. Nonlinear Dynamics, Self-Organization, and Biomedicine. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1999.
Analyses of periodic processes in psychophysiological research (Porges and Bohrer, 1991)
Science of the Heart: Research Overview and Summaries. Institute of HeartMath.
Heart Rate and Blood Pressure Variability
Wavelet Analysis for Clinical Medicine.
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©2001-2004 Vladimir Mashin