эмблема АКЦ


Ассоциация клинических цитологов России



На первую страничку
В начало
Национальные организации
Цитологические сайты
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American Cancer Society
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
American Board of Pathology
American Society for Colposcopy and Cervical Pathology
American Society of Clinical Pathology
College of American Pathologists
International Academy of Cytology
International Academy of Pathology
International Agency for Research on Cancer
International Society for Preventive Oncology
International Union against Cancer
National Cancer Institute
National Cervical Cancer Coalition
World Health Organization

Национальные организации

American Society of Cytopathology
American Society for Cytotechnology
Australian Society of Cytology
Danish Society of Pathological Anatomy and Cytology
European Society for Analytical Cellular Pathology
Sociedade Brasileira de Citologia
European Federation of Cytology Societies
German Society of Cytology
Japanese Society of Clinical Cytology
National Association of Cytologists (UK)
Norwegian Society for Cytology
Società Italiana di Anatomia Patologica e Citopatologia Diagnostica


Acta Cytologica
Analytical Cellular Pathology
Cancer Cytopathology
Diagnostic Cytopathology
Journal of Reproductive Medicine

Цитологические сайты

Art of Cytology
Cyt-Aid - Job offers for Cyto-Techs in Europe
Cytology Online
CERF (Cytology Education and Research Forum)
CytoWorld - Job offers for Cyto-Techs in the United States
European Research Organization on Genital Infection and Neoplasia
Tutorials of Cytology

Поиск литературы

National Library of Medicine
Search Medline
Search Medline for Acta Cytologica
Search Medline for Analytical and Quantitative Cytology and Histology

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