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  •  Полянский К.К., Рудаков О.Б., Подпоринова Г.К. , Хрипушин В.В., Верзилина Н.Д. Натуральные и искусственные подсластители: свойства и экспертиза качества. М.: Дели Принт, 2009, 252 с.

  •  O.B. Rudakov, N. K. Polyanskaya, O. V. Baidicheva, V. F. Selemenev, L. V. Rudakova Use of Infrared Spectroscopy for Controlling Protein Concentration in Lacrimal Fluid and Diagnosing Corneal Diseases//Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia).  Vol. 64, No. 5, 2009. p. 490-494.

  • E. A. Podolina, O. B. Rudakov, E. A. Khorokhordina, and L. A. Kharitonova. Use of Acetonitrile for the Extraction of Dihydric Phenols from Salt Aqueous Solutions Followed by HPLC Determination//Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 2008. V.63. №5. P.468-471

  •   E. A. Podolina, O. B. Rudakov, E. A. Khorokhordina, and A. M. Grigor’ev. Determination of Ionol in Oils in the Presence of Low-Molecular-Weight Phenols Using Reversed-Phase HPLC//Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 2008. V.63. №6. P.548-550

  •  Хрипушин В. В., Рудакова Л. В., Рудаков О. Б., Байдичева О. В. Цветометрические методики определения цветного числа растительных масел//Заводская лаборатория. Диагностика материалов. 2008, №5, с.9-12.

  •  Селеменев В.Ф., Рудаков О.Б., Славинская Г.В., Дроздова Н.В. Пигменты пищевых производств (меланоидины).М.: ДеЛи принт, 2008. 246 с.

  • O. B. Rudakov, D. S. Belyaev, E. A. Khorokhordina, and E. A. Podolina. Surface Tension of Binary Mobile Phases for Liquid Chromatography  //Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry Ap.Vol. 81, No. 3, 2007 . P. 366 -369

  •  O. B. Rudakov, E. A. Podolina, E. A. Khorokhordina, L. A. Kharitonova. Effect of Binary Solvent Composition on Phenol Extraction from Aqueous Solutions Chromatography  //Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry Ap.Vol. 81, No. 12, 2007. P.2053-2058

  •  Подолина Е. А., Харитонова Л. А., Рудаков О. Б., Хорохордина Е. А. Экстракционное разделение и вольтамперометрическое определение гидрохинона и метола //Заводская лаборатория. Диагностика материалов. 2007, №12, с.9-11.

  •  Жиры. Химический состав и экспертиза качества/ О.Б. Рудаков, А.Н. Пономарев, К.К. Полянский, А.В. Любарь.М.: ДелиПринт. 2005.  312 с.

  • Спутник хроматографиста. Методы жидкостной хроматографии /О.Б. Рудаков, И.А. Востров, С.В. Федоров, А.А. Филлипов, В.Ф. Селеменев, А.А. Приданцев. – Воронеж: Водолей. 2004. -528 с.

  • Дифференциальный термический анализ пищевых жиров / К.К. Полянский,  С.А. Снегирев,  О.Б. Рудаков. – М.: ДеЛи принт, 2004. – 86 с.

  • O. B. Rudakov. Description of the Elution Strength of Binary Mobile Phases in Normal-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography //Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2004.V. 78, №9. P. 1674-1677.

  •  V.M. Zhulin, O.B. Rudakov, V.L. Antonovskii. Spline-Approximation Calculations of Activation Volumes for Transformations of Trimethylsilyl(cumenyl) Peroxide //Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2004, V.78, №7. p. 1109-1113

  •  V.M. Zhulin, O.B. Rudakov, and V. L. Antonovskii. Calculation of Activation Volumes of Thermal Conversions of Trimethylsilyl(cumyl) Peroxide by the Spline Approximation Method//Kinetics and Catalysis. 2004, №6.  p.788-793

  • О.Б. Рудаков, В.Ф. Селеменев.  Физико-химические системы сорбат - сорбент - элюент в жидкостной хроматографии/. - Воронеж: Изд-во Воронеж. ун-та, 2003. - 300 с.

  • О.Б. Рудаков Растворитель как средство управления процессом в жидкостной хроматографии.  - Воронеж: Изд-во ВорГУ, 2003. - 300 с.

  • O. B. Rudakov /Effect of the Composition on the Elution Strength of Binary Mobile Phases in the Normal-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography// Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2003. V. 77. № 12 р. 2230-2235.

  •  O. B. Rudakov, I. P. Sedishev/ Generalized criterion of solvent polarity as a tool for control of chromatographic process//Russian Chemical Bulletin, International Edition. 2003. Vol. 52, No. 1, p. 52-59.  

  •  O. B. Rudakov, K. K. Polyanskii and M. P. Aleksyuk /Qualitative Identification of Milk Fat from Chromatographic Data //Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 2002. №12. p. 1081-1088.

  •   O. B. Rudakov, V. F. Selemenev, O. N. Spitchenko, V. V. Konovalov. Microcolumn Reversed-Phase High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Phenols//Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2002. V. 76. № 5. p. 931-935. 

  •   O. B. Rudakov, M. P. Aleksyuk, and V. V. Konovalov/Microcolumn High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of ortho-Substituted Hydrophobic Phenol Derivatives//Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 2001. №4. p. 351-358.

  •  V. F. Selemenev, G. Yu. Oros, S. A. Zheleznoi, A. S. Shestakov,T. A. Zheleznaya, E. F. Safonova, V. M. Bolotov and O. B. Rudakov/ Energy and Spectral Properties of H-Bonds in Phospholipids// Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2001. V. 75. № 4. p. 653-659.

  •  O. B. Rudakov, V. V. Khripushin, O. N. Bocharova, and L. V. Rudakova/Optical Properties of Binary Mobile Phases as Constituent Objective Functions in Optimizing the Conditions for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Hydrophobic Phenol-Like Compounds//Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 2001. №1. p. 36-45.

  •  O. B. Rudakov, O.N. Bocharova/Boiling Temperature of binary Mobile Phases for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography// Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2000. № 6. p.1059-1064.

  •  O. B. Rudakov, V. V. Khripushin and V. F. Selemenev/Optimization of Conditions for the Separation of Nondiffusing Couplers of Photographic Materials by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography // Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 1999. №7. p. 616-622.

  •  O. B. Rudakov and V. F. Selemenev/ Refractive Index of Binary Mobile Phases for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 1999. №12. p. 2019-2022.

  •  O. B. Rudakov, M. I. Sokolov and L. V. Rudakova /Density of Binary Mobile Phases Used in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 1999. №7. p. 1165-1168.

  •  O. B. Rudakov, M. I. Sokolov, and V. F. Selemenev /Viscosity of Binary Mobile Phases for High-Performance Liquid Chromatography// Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 1999. № 9. p. 1473-1476.

  •  O. B. Rudakov /Relative Permittivity as a Measure of the Polarity of Binary Mobile Phases Used in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography// Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 1998. № 9. p. 835-839.

  •  O. B. Rudakov /Permittivity of Binary and Ternary Mobile Phases Used in High-Performance Liquid Chromatography // Russian Journal of Physical Chemistry. 1997. 12. p.2030-2033.

  • O. B. Rudakov, 0. A. Chistovskaya, and M. L. Ushkalova. High-Performance Liquid Chromatography of Color-Forming Cyan Components of the Series of Derivatives of Amides of l-Hydroxy-2-Naphthoic Acid // Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 1995. №3. p. 277-282.

  • O.B. Rudakov, E. A. Dubko, G. S. Stepanova, and V. I. Bautin. Head-Space Determination of Traces of Tetrachloromethane, Chloroform Toluene, and Chlorobenzene in Waste Water from the Chemical Plant// Journal of analytical chemistry (Russia).1995, v.50. №.11. p. 1196-1198.

  •  O.B. Rudakov, L.V. Duluba, G.S. Stepanova, A.A. Galjautdinov. High performance liquid  chromatography of color-forming components. Purple components of 5-pyrazolone derivatives // Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 1993. №12. p. 1934-1940.

  •  O.B. Rudakov, N.I. Motina, L.V. Minkina, O.A., etc. High performance liquid  chromatography of color-forming components. Yellow components of anilide derivatives of aroylacetic acids and their half-finished products/Journal of analytical chemistry (Russia).1993, v.48. N.2.p.297-305.

  •  O. B. Rudakov, V. S. Fedorov, S. V.Martinov, etc. Separation and identification of tautomeric forms of o-octadecylhydroxybezoylmethyl acetate by HPLC with UV-detection// Journal of Analytical Chemistry (Russia). 1991. N12. p. 2355-2361.

  • O.B. Rudakov, A.N. Goltsev, Yu.V. Kaplin, I.A. Ternovskaja, A.C. Lunev . IR spectroscopic research of keto-enol dynamic isomerism of ortho-octadecyloxybensoylmethylacetate//Journal of practical spectroscopy. 1991.V.54. N.1.p.22-25.

  •  O.B.Rudakov, I.P. Yakovlev, A.V.Ganyushkin, etc. Some aspects of influence of a nature of the solvent and pressure on reactivity of organosilicone peroxides in reactions of thermal decomposition //Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya khimitsheskaya. 1987. N.7. p.1489-1496.

  •  V.M. Zhulin, O.B. Rudakov,   A.V.Ganyushkin, V.A. Yablokov. Influence of high-pressure on parameters of an activation of thermal conversions of thrymethylsililperoxide in a liquid phase //Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya khimitsheskaya. 1986. N10. p. 2206-2216

  •  V.M. Zhulin, O.B. Rudakov, G.A. Stashina, etc. Kinetic effects of high-pressure and mechanism of thermal conversions of organosilicone peroxides //Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya khimitsheskaya. 1985. N9. p.1979-1987.

  • V.M. Zhulin, O.B. Rudakov, G.A. Stashina. Influence of high-pressure on reaction of breakoff of hydrogen by cumene oxiradical //Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya khimitsheskaya. 1985. N.5. pp.1205-1208.

  •  V.M. Zhulin, G.A. Stashina, A.V. Ganyushkin, N.V. Yablokova, V.A.Yablokov, O.B. Rudakov. Influence of high-pressure on concurrent reactions of radical disintegration and rearrangements of trimethylcumeneperoxisilane //Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Seriya khimitsheskaya. 1983. N7. p.1659-1661

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